digital scrapbook inspiration

The Good Life: June 2021 & Digital Scrapbook Freebie Blog Train

By Marisa Lerin Mon, 05/31/2021 - 22:00

Check out all the great contributions to this blog train. These digital scrapbooking mini kits are free for the month of June and are created by our own dedicated community of designers, both amateur and professionals. There's not another blog train like it on the internet.

New Today: Layout Templates Kit #71

By Marisa Lerin Sun, 05/16/2021 - 22:00

Some fun layout templates here for you today with lots of layers and scrappy pieces.

digital scrapbooking layout templates kit

My Favorite Digital Scrapbooking Layouts From April 2021

By Marisa Lerin Tue, 05/04/2021 - 22:00

Taking a look back at a few of my favorite digital scrapbooking layouts from the last month.

▼ An amazing layout by Tina using a digital scrapbooking layout template freebie and the lovely first April Good Life Bundle.

The Good Life: May 2021 & Digital Scrapbook Freebie Blog Train

By Marisa Lerin Fri, 04/30/2021 - 22:00

Check out all the great contributions to this blog train. These digital scrapbooking mini kits are free for the month of May and are created by our own dedicated community of designers, both amateur and professionals. There's not another blog train like it on the internet.

Redoing 5 Digital Scrapbooking Layouts

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 04/28/2021 - 22:00

I mentioned briefly in my Everything About Travel Digital Scrapbooking post that I was working through an old trip to Taiwan. I am mostly finished with the project and before I show off the whole thing I wanted to highlight some layouts that I redid.

My Favorite Digital Scrapbooking Layouts From March 2021

By Marisa Lerin Thu, 04/01/2021 - 23:00

Taking a look back at a few of my favorite digital scrapbooking layouts from the last month.

▼ Stunning blending and clustering in this layout by Michelle. I love when how to photo has a sharp photo edge on one side and blends into the paper on the other.

The Good Life: April 2021 & Digital Scrapbook Freebie Blog Train

By Marisa Lerin Wed, 03/31/2021 - 23:00

Check out all the great contributions to this blog train. These digital scrapbooking mini kits are free for the month of April and are created by our own dedicated community of designers, both amateur and professionals. There's not another blog train like it on the internet.

Capturing Big Moments in Your Pocket Pages

By Marisa Lerin Thu, 03/11/2021 - 22:00

Pocket page scrapbooking is perfect for every day moments. I love how I can combine all the disparate photos from the week and put them in one place without too much effort. And I think this aspect of using pocket pages is well established (you can read more about my own personal process here). However, I thought I'd bring attention today to the fact that I capture big moments in my pocket pages as well.

New Today: Digital Collage Kit #1

By Marisa Lerin Mon, 03/08/2021 - 08:30

Collage has been something I've been interested in for a while, but I've struggled to get going. I was recently inspired to make a digital collage kit that I could play with easily on my iPad. I'll confess to being a bit hooked on the whole process, so hopefully you are also interested in trying your hand at layouts with a bit more mixed media because it's a new style I'm definitely looking forward to exploring.
