My Top Advice for Digital Scrapbooking

As this year winds down and we start looking forward to a new year, I thought it might be nice to take a minute to reflect on my digital scrapbooking habits, what works best for me, and possibly what may work best for you. Please share below in the comments your top advice, as I have a feeling many of us are looking to improve and increase our scrapbooking in the coming year.

There are a lot of goals you may have regarding your scrapbooking. But if you want to improve your layout making skills in the coming year, the absolute best advice I can give you is to do lots and lots of scraplifting. Find layout creators you admire and then copy their layouts. Starting with a blank canvas is hard for even the most seasoned creatives, so focus on a certain technique you see in a layout and use it in your own. Or go a step further and copy a layout as closely as you can. This will help you get a feel for where to place elements, what techniques to google, etc.

digital scrapbook layout

If you want to get more layouts made in the coming year, you need to set up your creative routine. When and where will you scrapbook? What are you going to scrapbook? Have answers to these questions ahead of time and then all you need to do is scrapbook when your time comes up. I have kept up a weekly scrapbooking routine for over five years and through two children, simply by knowing how/when/what I am doing head of time. You can read more about my weekly pocket scrapbooking routine here.

creating creative routines digital pocket scrapbooking layout

If you're stuck in a rut, don't be afraid to try something new. If a layout isn't working for you, start over. If everything about your digital scrapbooking hobby feels stale, maybe it's time to try a new style or a new size of canvas. I'm personally entirely obsessed with all kinds of scrapbooking, but I cycle through different styles and projects as I'm inspired. Currently I'm really into digital planning, in the past I've been really into physical junk journals. If you're feeling stuck, it may be time to try out something new.

digital scrapbook layout

Finally, if you want to get more scrapbooking done, don't spend your time organizing, spend your time making. has already organized everything for you. All you need to do is show up when it's your craft time and download what looks good. Need a bit more convincing? Check out my post about organizing digital scrapbooking supplies here.

I hope maybe one of those pieces of advice sounded useful to you, and please share your best advice below in the comments.

My Top Advice for Digital Scrapbooking

Recent Comments

Jen Johnson
Jen Johnson Sat, 01/21/2023 - 16:49

I LOVE templates and scrap lifting, most of my pages are made with those.

Marisa Lerin
Marisa Lerin Mon, 01/02/2023 - 04:56

Thanks for all your thoughts everyone!

Michelle Belisle
Michelle Belisle Sun, 01/01/2023 - 21:22

Having a running list of ideas for pages helps me - usually one of the ideas appeals to me and I can go from there. Challenges also really help because they put a box around what I can do so I don’t spend so much time dithering. Layout templates and using a single kit or collection help me do things quickly. Writing out my journaling in Word rather than trying to type on the page means I can spellcheck and edit and even try fonts before I paste the text on the page.

Christina Carrano
Christina Carrano Sun, 01/01/2023 - 11:24

Scraplifting and templates definitely help! I don't use templates as much as I used to, though. I still have problems with placement of certain types of elements. For instance, I have no idea what to do with journal cards.

Brenda Roberts
Brenda Roberts Fri, 12/30/2022 - 10:36

Lifting helps tremendously, whether you're just starting out, or have been scrapping for years. My other tip would be to participate in challenges. There is no right or wrong way to do them. Encourage constructive criticism. We all can use that.

Elaine Canaday
Elaine Canaday Fri, 12/30/2022 - 08:25

Scraplifting is a new term for me. Thanks for sharing these tips.

Linda2 Dlr
Linda2 Dlr Fri, 12/30/2022 - 07:08

Scraplifting is a *great* way to not only start learning how to digitally scrapbook but for me, to learn new techniques and apply different looks to my own work. Also, I enjoy the tutorial section of this site for learning how to do things.

For getting lots of layouts done, page templates are the best! I use a lot of Marisa's templates and AMarie_Charp's page templates. It really cuts down on time spent on a layout and still gives me creative freedom to change things up.

Another piece of advice to get layouts done quickly is to use a single mini kit or bundle. When I limit myself to a single mini kit or bundle, I'm not wasting time searching for just the right thing. Instead, I use what's in the kit and works for the design and go with that. Additionally I can count on all of the papers in the kit to work together and can easily mix patterns together.

Mariana Perri
Mariana Perri Fri, 12/30/2022 - 06:29

LIfting is awesome... especially in digital!