A Day of Pictures & A Sneak Peek

I joined with various people on the internet on Wednesday to capture the daily routine of a typical day. It was fun to bring special meaning to a regular day, as well as to see the lives of strangers pass by in my Instagram feed. I'm counting this as a warm up exercise. I managed to capture some moments, but a lot slipped by. Looking forward to giving it another try.

Breakfast - I don't always eat cereal, but it is the ultimate comfort food. #onedayhh Jordan has breakfast too. #onedayhh

Usually start the day by checking the forums. #onedayhh Went for a run. Sporting foggy glasses. #onedayhh

Neon socks, probably the best part of running. #onedayhh Dressed and ready for the day, in time for lunch. #onedayhh

Lunchtime! #onedayhh Making dinner. #onedayhh

Dinner: part one. #onedayhh Dinner: part 2.

Relax & doodle time. Gets me through Game of Thrones. #onedayhh Doctor Who time! #onedayhh

Tea & ice cream. #onedayhh Time for bed. #onedayhh

Next week I have not one, but two bundles! The holidays are upon us!


Recent Comments

Amber Button
Amber Button Sun, 11/17/2013 - 10:54

Oooohhh you were watching Doctor Who! I may have a mild, teeny wheeny timey whimsy obsession. lol

Dawn Evans
Dawn Evans Sun, 11/17/2013 - 03:41

Great photos - love the Zentangle!

Laura Wellinghoff
Laura Wellinghoff Sat, 11/16/2013 - 20:16

Hubby was saying "She gave a lot way on that first kit." But we're lovin' it! & Yes the Holidays are upon us! ;)

Rae Stephens
Rae Stephens Sat, 11/16/2013 - 04:42

I love the daily routine pictures! That's a great idea, and I can't wait to see the next set. And I see a little hint of lists in the Sneak Peak.. right up my alley. :) The papers look so pretty too! Love the colors.

Giada Erre
Giada Erre Sat, 11/16/2013 - 03:02

I love the pink-ish / orange-ish tones in the second bundle :)