My First Thoughts on Doing Project Life in Real Life

"Oh yeah, I need glue..."

2015-02-11 16.34.48

To be continued.

Recent Comments

Mika Scott
Mika Scott Mon, 02/16/2015 - 20:02

I don't know... I think there is just something sacred about old scrapbooks, and all the nostalgia that goes along with it including the; "...Awwwwh, look how I did that one, it looks immature and pathetic, but still it's rather sweet..." so just make sure you snap a shot of the before and after, so you can remember. ☺

Sarah Palmer
Sarah Palmer Sat, 02/14/2015 - 06:44

PS And if you ever need to entertain kids (& don't mind them running through all your tape) I can attest that tape runners will keep them entertained for *hours*!

Sarah Palmer
Sarah Palmer Sat, 02/14/2015 - 06:26

Have you tried a tape runner? I love MyStik runner by 3L - it's archival, refillable (I buy multiple refills at a time just so I'll have them), easy as anything to use, & there's no drying time. I buy the permanent (but briefly repositionable) version. I've used a tape runner for years & they'd have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands before I give it up. =)

The other glue I use, but only for albums like One Little Word or Move More Eat Well, where I don't care if it's archival, is Scotch Removable Restickable glue stick (another "pry from my cold dead hands" product!) which is also as easy as anything to use.

France Stewart
France Stewart Sat, 02/14/2015 - 03:18

Oh, I get it.... that'll be pretty cool then, to have them in those folders! Fun! I'll have fun watching you do this, and not having to do it myself ;)

Marisa Lerin
Marisa Lerin Fri, 02/13/2015 - 09:22

I actually had to go buy glue. That's how committed to digital I am ;)

@France: Those are actually old paper layouts I'm taking apart...

Alexa Ludum
Alexa Ludum Fri, 02/13/2015 - 06:20

~laugh~ This picture renewed my commitment to digital scrapping! I was a paper scrapper for a very short time when my son was a baby and the STUFF overwhelmed me.

France Stewart
France Stewart Thu, 02/12/2015 - 18:44

btw, those are very impressive stacks of printouts!

France Stewart
France Stewart Thu, 02/12/2015 - 18:44

That's the reason I stopped doing papercrafts, the glue needing to set, the paint needing to dry the polymer clay needing to be baked, I just didn't have time after I had to go back to work..... also the "not finding the perfect little embellishment that I just *know* I have *somewhere*"!!!! Hence the switch to digiscrapping!
Also with digi, you don't like an element, you don't feel bad not using it, in real life you have to store it because it would be a sin to just throw it out ;)
but, this said, I loved my years as a paper crafter..... and would love the time to go back to my polymer clay (I probably have a couple $100 worth of stuff just completely dried up in the garage! *sigh*)
Hope you found your glue!!! Glue tape is great, some is even archival quality (but you probably already know that!)

Aurelija Keinė
Aurelija Keinė Thu, 02/12/2015 - 12:20

Creating non digitally always means you need something more and then you want something more cause it's pretty/cute/useful etc. And you always just look forward to visiting any nearby craft supply store :)

Sarah Palmer
Sarah Palmer Thu, 02/12/2015 - 07:41

This made me laugh - I can't even begin to count the number of times I've sat down to do something crafty & realized I was missing something key to the craft. Have fun!!