Pocket Pages: January & February 2019

Since it's September I thought I'd share some of my pocket pages from 2019. I usually do a better job of sharing them, but better late than never. This is the fifth year that I've done a weekly pocket style spread and it's a pretty firmly entrenched routine in my life at this point. On Saturday morning I go through the photos on my phone and collect any interesting ones from Jordan's (Google Photo makes this very simple). Then I download all the photos I've favorited from the week, add them to my layout template and add in my journaling (I've been using this weekly pocket card). The key to keeping on top of this process is that I don't decorate the pages at the same time that I layout them out. Choosing my photos and adding them to the template takes maybe twenty minutes and is a weekly commitment I can keep up with. Doing the fancy part takes more effort so I save that for when I've got the time. I usually do decorate a spread on Saturday, but the point is that I don't have to. I can usually catch them all up without too much lag into the next year. Now that I've got a stack of finished photo books from the last four years, it's pretty motivating to keep the ball rolling.

week 01

week 02 week 3

week 4 week 5

week 06 weel7

week 8 week 9

Recent Comments

Tina Shaw
Tina Shaw Mon, 09/16/2019 - 16:30

I love your pocket style!!!! And he's gotten so big!!!

Bina Greene 🎑
Bina Greene 🎑 Thu, 09/12/2019 - 01:32

Fantastic pages, love all the variety and your workflow.

Beatrice Loren
Beatrice Loren Wed, 09/11/2019 - 04:29

Beautiful pages. Love your photos and the variety of prints!

Bourico Casper
Bourico Casper Wed, 09/11/2019 - 01:56

wow Marisa, very beautiful pages, and lovely photos!