The Great Purge...

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The Great Purge...

I'm trying to cull my digital supplies. I have so many from years and years ago, things that were not really my style then and really are not now. I find myself trying to hold on to things, just in case. Has anyone done this? and how heartless were you?

I have never been able to delete my old kits from years back, I still hold onto them though they are out of style now...I know I may never use them and they are just taking up space in my computer and my many EHDs ... but some of them are so very pretty.

And I always persuade myself by this concept: why should I be governed by any style or trend? So what if they may look meh compared to today's style ... If I like it, then I must be able to use it irrespective of what others may think...or how it might look just weird ... anyway, that's how I feel...

Throwing stuff away is my love language smiley

You are very brave, Marisa!

Chitra, if you think something is pretty, that’s its reason for being a part of your stash! If you like it, keep it.

Hello everyone,

I completely agree with Chitra's attitude.

1. I don't let anyone dictate my style, but that doesn't mean I don't try it out!

2. Fashions and styles always come back, according to the motto "Nothing new under the sun".

3. I don't pay a lot of money for purchase kits, only to delete them after one use. I tend to delete older freebies with
only a few elements (I don't download freebies anymore that I don't like straight away). But there were also great things there that are worth using again, mixed with others, especially for cards. A large family has a birthday every year and month;)I save myself expensive purchased cards and stamps.

3. I use kits, or elements from them, if I like them, several times, and also for cards.

4. As a post-war child, I am against the "throw-away society". Larger kits are often small works of art.