oh what a great new world this is....

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oh what a great new world this is....

Hello fellow scrapbooker!

I'm a scrapper living in Sweden that just now turned to digital, I guess with age I have become more patcient with computers.....I have been scrapbooking since my kids were babies, but never been cought up with PL. I always start and then in end of March I just can't do it anymore.

I have tried digi some years back with designing my own tags and small things like that but it takes alot of time so I'm sooooo impressed with what you do here! Many thanks in advance for everything I will use....

My plan is now to complete PL for my family, going back to the early 2000.....wish me luck smiley

What do I do when I'm not crusing this amazing web site for all it's goodies....

I like to exercise and I do a cross of gym and crossfit, not so good at the gymnastic part, but strengtwise ok. My kids also compete in sports so my time is split between work and gettening them to their training and games. Don't get me wrong, I love that!

So I guess I will get back to digi scrapping!

Hope you all have a great day filled with love and scrapping, see you around.


So glad to have you here Camilla! I've been doing digital pocket scrapping for over 5 years and I totally love it. Can't wait to see what you make!

Jag önskar dig mycket roligt, hjälp och inspiration och ser fram emot dina scraps.

Tack, vilken fin välkomst present!

Welcome Camilla, I'm a little bit behind as we are on vacation, holiday or whatever anyone calls it. Haven't checked the forum in a while. Hope your visits here are rewarding and fun!!

thanks, I really enjoying creating with all the digi-goodness!

Welcome Camilla! Glad you are here!